Statistical process control (SPC) is for monitoring sequential processes (e.g., production lines, Internet traffic, medical systems, social or economic status) to make sure that they work stably and satisfactorily. It is a major tool for quality control and management. In the past 10--20 years, SPC has made great progress. Many new SPC methods have been developed for improving traditional SPC methods and for handling new SPC applications. This book aims to make a systematic description of both the traditional and recent SPC methods. I started doing my research on SPC around 1998 after I joined the faculty of the School of Statistics at the University of Minnesota. At that time, I was doing research on jump regression analysis, which is about regression modeling when the underlying regression function has jumps. My senior colleague, Professor Doug Hawkins, published a book on CUSUM charts that year, and he kindly gave me a free copy of his book. Before I read the book, I had heard of CUSUM charts, but never had a chance to learn that subject systematically. The book makes a thorough description about the existing CUSUM charts. It has 10 chapters. Nine of them are on cases when a univariate quality characteristic variable is of interest for process monitoring, and only one of them is on multivariate SPC, which is about cases with multiple quality characteristic variables being monitored. All multivariate SPC methods described in that chapter are based on the assumption that the multiple quality characteristic variables follow a joint normal distribution. In my opinion, there are two major limitations in the SPC research of that time. First, in most applications, the quality of a product is affected by multiple characteristics of the product (cf., Section 7.1 for a more detailed explanation). Therefore, the SPC research should focus on multivariate cases, instead of univariate cases. Second, my extensive consulting experience tells me that multivariate data would hardly follow a joint normal distribution. Therefore, we should address the multivariate SPC problem without the normality assumption. With encouragement from Doug, I started my own research on multivariate SPC. After finding the fact that traditional multivariate SPC charts would be unreliable in cases when the normality assumption was invalid (cf., Figures 9.1 and 9.2), I started to study existing statistical methods for describing multivariate non-normal data and for transforming multivariate non-normal data to multivariate normal data. After more than one year's study, I realized that existing statistical tools for describing and handling multivariate non-normal data were limited, and the multivariate SPC problem should be handled using certain statistical methods that were not based on the normality assumption. Since then, my co-authors and I have proposed antirank-based multivariate SPC charts that are appropriate to use in most applications and a general framework to handle the multivariate SPC problem using the log-linear model (cf., Sections 9.2 and 9.3). Besides our research on multivariate SPC, my co-authors and I have also made some contributions to univariate SPC, SPC based on change-point detection, and profile monitoring. This book has 10 chapters. Chapter 1 describes briefly the concept of quality, the early history of research on quality improvement, some basic concepts on quality management, the role of SPC and other statistical methods in quality control and management, and the overall scope of the book. Chapter 2 describes some basic statistical concepts and methods that are useful in SPC. Chapters 3--5 make a systematic description of some traditional SPC charts, including the Shewhart, CUSUM, and EWMA charts. Some more recent control charts based on change-point detection are described in Chapter 6. Some fundamental multivariate SPC charts under the normality assumption are described in Chapter 7. Then, Chapters 8 and 9 introduce some recent univariate and multivariate control charts designed for cases when the normality assumption is invalid. Control charts for profile monitoring are discussed in Chapter 10. At the end of each chapter, some exercises are provided for readers to practice the methods described in the chapter. Computations involved in all examples in the book are accomplished using the statistical software package R. Some basic R functions are introduced in Appendix A, along with some R packages developed specifically for SPC analysis and all R functions written by the author for the book. A list of all datasets used in the book is given in Appendix B. The mathematical and statistical levels required are intentionally low. Readers with some background in basic linear algebra, calculus through integration and differentiation, and an introductory level of statistics can understand most parts of the book without much difficulty. For a given topic, some major methods and procedures are introduced in detail, and some more advanced or more technical material is briefly discussed in the section titled ``Some Discussions'' of each chapter. For some important methods, pseudo computer codes are given in the book. All R functions and datasets used in the book are posted on the author's web page for free download. This book can be used as a primary textbook for a one-semester course on statistical process control. This course should be appropriate for both undergraduate and graduate students from statistics, industrial engineering, systems engineering, management sciences, and other related disciplines that are concerned about process quality control. It can also be used as a supplemental textbook for courses on quality improvement and system management. SPC researchers from both universities and industries should find this book useful because it includes many of the most recent research results in various SPC research areas, including univariate and multivariate nonparametric SPC, SPC based on change-point detection, and profile monitoring. Quality control practitioners in almost all industries should find this book useful as well, because many state-of-the-art SPC techniques are described in the book, their major advantages and limitations are discussed, and some practical guidelines about their implementations are provided. I am grateful to Doug Hawkins for introducing the SPC topic to me, for his guidance on my early SPC research, for his constant encouragement and help, and for his numerous comments and suggestions during the course of my SPC research. I thank all my co-authors of SPC research, including Singdhansu Chatterjee, Doug Hawkins, Chang Wook Kang, Zhonghua Li, Zhaojun Wang, Jingnan Zhang, Jiujun Zhang, and Changliang Zou, for their patience, stimulating discussions, and helpful comments and suggestions. I am fortunate to have had Josh Wiltsie read the entire manuscript. He provided a great amount of constructive comments and suggestions. Both Giovanna Capizzi and Arthur Yeh provided detailed review reports about the book manuscript that greatly improved the quality of the book. Part of the book manuscript was used as lecture notes in my recent advanced topic course offered at the School of Statistics of University of Minnesota in Fall 2012. Students from that class, especially Mr. Yicheng Kang, corrected a number of typos and mistakes in the manuscript. Dr. Changliang Zou kindly helped me with the computation of the nonparametric EWMA chart described in Subsection 8.2.3. This book project took more than 3 years to finish. During that period of time, my wife, Yan, gave me a great amount of support and help, by taking care of our two sons and much household work as well. My two sons, Andrew and Alan, helped me in their own way by not interrupting me during my writing of the book manuscript at home and by keeping my home office quiet. I thank all of them for their love and constant support. Peihua Qiu Gainesville, Florida August 2013