Research Interests

Peihua Qiu's Research on Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Monitoring

To monitor the incidence rates of cancers, AIDS, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronicle or infectious diseases, some global, national and regional reporting systems have been built to collect/provide population-based data about the disease incidence. Such databases usually report daily, monthly, or yearly disease incidence numbers at the city, county, state or country level, and the disease incidence numbers collected at different places and different times are correlated: with the ones closer in place or time being more correlated. The correlation reflects the impact of various confounding risk factors, such as weather, demographic factors, life styles, and other cultural and environmental factors. Because such impact is complicated and challenging to describe, the spatio-temporal (ST) correlation in the observed disease incidence data has complicated ST structure as well. Furthermore, the ST correlation is hidden in the observed data, and cannot be observed directly. In the literature, there has been much discussion about ST disease incidence data modeling. But, the existing methods either impose various assumptions on the ST correlation that are difficult to justify, or ignore partially or entirely the ST correlation. We are in the process of developing flexible and effective new methods for ST disease incidence data modeling, using nonparametric local smoothing methods. These methods can properly accommodate the ST correlation. Based on these modeling results, we will also develop statistical online monitoring methods for spatio-temporal disease surveillance. Some preliminary studies have been discussed in Zhang, Kang, Yang and Qiu (2015) and Zhang, Qiu and Chen (2016).

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