Peihua Qiu's Software
Note: I received many requests for computer codes to implement the procedures
suggested in the papers listed below. For readers' convenience, some
of these
codes have been reasonably documented and included here for
free download.
- Statistical process control (SPC) for multivariate data that is not
necessarily Gaussian distributed. A function is provided to categorize
components of multivariate response vectors. Tools for setting up a
CUSUM procedure for the transformed data are included. The CUSUM scheme
can also be applied to the case when some (or all) of the multivariate
response components are binary-categorical.
- Qiu, P., "Distribution-free multivariate process control
on log-linear modeling," IIE Transactions (a flagship
journal of
the Institute of Industrial Engineers),
40(7), 2008, 664--677.
( ps file,
pdf file)
- R package
- This paper was featured by the
published in the
Industrial Engineer magazine, 40(7),
2008, 53--54.
- In survival analysis applications, we often need to compare two hazard
rate functions to investigate the effectiveness of a new treatment,
compared to a standard treatment (or a control). Quite often, the two
hazard rate functions cross each other, due to the facts that certain
treatments have significant effects only after/before certain time periods.
For instance, radiation and chemotherapy can usually improve patients'
prospects for short-term survival; but they have little or no long-term
medical benefits. Surgery, on the other hand, has benefits in the long run;
it may increase the risk in the early stage after it is applied. To compare
two possibly crossing hazard rate functions, we suggested a two-stage
procedure in the following paper.
- Qiu, P., and Sheng, J., "A Two-Stage Procedure For Comparing
Hazard Rate Functions,"JRSS-B, 70(1), 2008,
( ps file,
pdf file)
- R package "TSHRC" can be downloaded from the
R web page
under the
link "Packages" on the left-hand side of the web page.
- We derived formulas for sample size calculation for a pair-matched
case-control study to test for interaction between a specific exposure
and a second risk factor. The exposure variable considered is binary
but the second risk factor could be either binary or continuous. The
cases in which the second risk factor is OR is not a matching variable
are discussed separately. This research is motivated by a study
comparing the prevalence of GP-IIIa polymorphism (the exposure) in
individuals with and without myocardial infarction (case-control).
- Qiu, P., Moeschberger, M., Cooke, G., and
Goldschmidt-Clermont, P.,
"Sample size to test for interaction between a specific exposure
and a
second risk factor in a pair-matched case-control
study", Statistics in
Medicine 19, 2000,
( ps file,
pdf file)
- Two Splus programs:
- We developed a statistical modeling procedure for sleep-wake
in response to light-dark cycles of varying lengths,
which would take
into account both the rhythmic circadian
component and stimulus-induced
shifts in behavior. Such a model
could also be used to describe other physiological
which may include both rhythmic and acute components, such as
temperature and hormone secretion.
- Qiu, P., Chappell, R., Obermeyer, W., and Benca, R.,
"Modelling daily
and subdaily cycles in rat sleep data",
Biometrics 55, 1999, 930-935.
( ps file,
pdf file)
- Two datasets:
- Splus program.
Peihua Qiu's Home Page