17. Solutions to Exercises¶
17.1. SAS Windowing Environment¶
Use the sample SAS program code provided above and the Charm City Circulator Ridership dataset to experiment with using SAS by making the following changes to the provided code.
Go through and change the colors using the attribute map dataset
to something other than what they originally were. See https://support.sas.com/content/dam/SAS/support/en/books/pro-template-made-easy-a-guide-for-sas-users/62007_Appendix.pdf for a large list of colors in SAS.Change the days you are keeping to show
instead of “Saturday"
.Change the plot from a line plot to a scatterplot by changing
inproc sgpanel
%let working_directory = data; *Replace data with your path to your
directory containing the dataset;
proc import datafile = "&working_directory/Charm_City_Circulator_Ridership.csv"
out = circ dbms = csv replace;
getnames = yes;
guessingrows = max;
proc sort data = circ;
by day date daily;
proc transpose data = circ out = long (rename=(_NAME_ = var col1 = number));
var orangeboardings -- banneraverage;
by day date daily;
data long2;
set long;
var = tranwrd(var, 'Board', '_Board');
var = tranwrd(var, 'Alight', '_Alight');
var = tranwrd(var, 'Average', '_Average');
line = scan(var, 1, '_');
type = scan(var, 2, '_');
drop var;
data avg;
set long2;
where (type = "Average");
data palette;
input id $ value $ linecolor $;
markercolor = linecolor;
lc banner red
lc green yellow
lc orange darkblue
lc purple brown
proc sgpanel data = avg dattrmap=palette;
where day in ("Monday" "Tuesday" "Friday" "Sunday");
panelby day;
scatter Y = number X = date / group = line attrid = lc;
17.2. Basic SAS Programming¶
Submit the following simple SAS program. What does it do?
Obs | Status | DeathCause | AgeCHDdiag | Sex | AgeAtStart | Height | Weight | Diastolic | Systolic | MRW | Smoking | AgeAtDeath | Cholesterol | Chol_Status | BP_Status | Weight_Status | Smoking_Status |
1 | Dead | Other | . | Female | 29 | 62.50 | 140 | 78 | 124 | 121 | 0 | 55 | . | Normal | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
2 | Dead | Cancer | . | Female | 41 | 59.75 | 194 | 92 | 144 | 183 | 0 | 57 | 181 | Desirable | High | Overweight | Non-smoker |
3 | Alive | . | Female | 57 | 62.25 | 132 | 90 | 170 | 114 | 10 | . | 250 | High | High | Overweight | Moderate (6-15) | |
4 | Alive | . | Female | 39 | 65.75 | 158 | 80 | 128 | 123 | 0 | . | 242 | High | Normal | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
5 | Alive | . | Male | 42 | 66.00 | 156 | 76 | 110 | 116 | 20 | . | 281 | High | Optimal | Overweight | Heavy (16-25) | |
6 | Alive | . | Female | 58 | 61.75 | 131 | 92 | 176 | 117 | 0 | . | 196 | Desirable | High | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
7 | Alive | . | Female | 36 | 64.75 | 136 | 80 | 112 | 110 | 15 | . | 196 | Desirable | Normal | Overweight | Moderate (6-15) | |
8 | Dead | Other | . | Male | 53 | 65.50 | 130 | 80 | 114 | 99 | 0 | 77 | 276 | High | Normal | Normal | Non-smoker |
9 | Alive | . | Male | 35 | 71.00 | 194 | 68 | 132 | 124 | 0 | . | 211 | Borderline | Normal | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
10 | Dead | Cerebral Vascular Disease | . | Male | 52 | 62.50 | 129 | 78 | 124 | 106 | 5 | 82 | 284 | High | Normal | Normal | Light (1-5) |
The MEANS Procedure
Variable | N | Mean | Std Dev | Minimum | Maximum |
This program prints out the first 10 rows of the sashelp.heart dataset and the summary statistics N (sample size), mean, standard deviation, minimum and maxium for the Height and Weight variables.
Submit the following small program. How many DATA steps are there? How man PROC steps? Which steps are executed?
Obs | Height | Weight | Diastolic | Systolic |
1 | 62.50 | 140 | 78 | 124 |
2 | 59.75 | 194 | 92 | 144 |
3 | 62.25 | 132 | 90 | 170 |
4 | 65.75 | 158 | 80 | 128 |
5 | 66.00 | 156 | 76 | 110 |
6 | 61.75 | 131 | 92 | 176 |
7 | 64.75 | 136 | 80 | 112 |
8 | 65.50 | 130 | 80 | 114 |
9 | 71.00 | 194 | 68 | 132 |
10 | 62.50 | 129 | 78 | 124 |
There is one DATA step and there are two PROC steps; however, the last PROC MEANS is not run since it is within a paragraph comment.
Run PROC CONTENTS on the dataset sashelp.heart. How many observations are in this datset?
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | SASHELP.HEART | Observations | 5209 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 17 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/25/2018 02:21:26 | Observation Length | 168 |
Last Modified | 10/25/2018 02:21:26 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | Framingham Heart Study | ||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | us-ascii ASCII (ANSI) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 14 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 389 |
Obs in First Data Page | 365 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /opt/sasinside/SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/sashelp/heart.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 6235 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sas |
File Size | 960KB |
File Size (bytes) | 983040 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | ||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Label |
12 | AgeAtDeath | Num | 8 | Age at Death |
5 | AgeAtStart | Num | 8 | Age at Start |
3 | AgeCHDdiag | Num | 8 | Age CHD Diagnosed |
15 | BP_Status | Char | 7 | Blood Pressure Status |
14 | Chol_Status | Char | 10 | Cholesterol Status |
13 | Cholesterol | Num | 8 | |
2 | DeathCause | Char | 26 | Cause of Death |
8 | Diastolic | Num | 8 | |
6 | Height | Num | 8 | |
10 | MRW | Num | 8 | Metropolitan Relative Weight |
4 | Sex | Char | 6 | |
11 | Smoking | Num | 8 | |
17 | Smoking_Status | Char | 17 | Smoking Status |
1 | Status | Char | 5 | |
9 | Systolic | Num | 8 | |
7 | Weight | Num | 8 | |
16 | Weight_Status | Char | 11 | Weight Status |
There are 5209 observations (rows) in the dataset.
Submit the following program to SAS. What is the value of CurrentDate? (This value represents the number of days since Januar 1, 1960, the reference date for the SAS system).
Obs | CurrentDate |
1 | 22205 |
Obs | CurrentDate |
1 | 10/17/2020 |
The value of current date will change depending on when you submit this program. I submitted this program in 10/17/2020 and received the value 22205 or 22205 days since January 1, 1960.
17.3. Data I/O¶
Use PROC IMPORT to read in the Youth Tobacco study, Youth_Tobacco_Survey_YTS_Data.csv and name it youth.
Obs | YEAR | LocationAbbr | LocationDesc | TopicType | TopicDesc | MeasureDesc | DataSource | Response | Data_Value_Unit | Data_Value_Type | Data_Value | Data_Value_Footnote_Symbol | Data_Value_Footnote | Data_Value_Std_Err | Low_Confidence_Limit | High_Confidence_Limit | Sample_Size | Gender | Race | Age | Education | GeoLocation | TopicTypeId | TopicId | MeasureId | StratificationID1 | StratificationID2 | StratificationID3 | StratificationID4 | SubMeasureID | DisplayOrder |
1 | 2015 | AZ | Arizona | Tobacco Use - Survey Data | Cessation (Youth) | Percent of Current Smokers Who Want to Quit | YTS | % | Percentage | . | * | Data in these cells have been suppressed because of a small sample size | . | . | . | . | Overall | All Races | All Ages | Middle School | (34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972) | BEH | 105BEH | 170CES | 1GEN | 8AGE | 6RAC | 1EDU | YTS01 | 1 | |
2 | 2015 | AZ | Arizona | Tobacco Use - Survey Data | Cessation (Youth) | Percent of Current Smokers Who Want to Quit | YTS | % | Percentage | . | * | Data in these cells have been suppressed because of a small sample size | . | . | . | . | Male | All Races | All Ages | Middle School | (34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972) | BEH | 105BEH | 170CES | 2GEN | 8AGE | 6RAC | 1EDU | YTS02 | 2 | |
3 | 2015 | AZ | Arizona | Tobacco Use - Survey Data | Cessation (Youth) | Percent of Current Smokers Who Want to Quit | YTS | % | Percentage | . | * | Data in these cells have been suppressed because of a small sample size | . | . | . | . | Female | All Races | All Ages | Middle School | (34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972) | BEH | 105BEH | 170CES | 3GEN | 8AGE | 6RAC | 1EDU | YTS03 | 3 | |
4 | 2015 | AZ | Arizona | Tobacco Use - Survey Data | Cessation (Youth) | Quit Attempt in Past Year Among Current Cigarette Smokers | YTS | % | Percentage | . | * | Data in these cells have been suppressed because of a small sample size | . | . | . | . | Overall | All Races | All Ages | Middle School | (34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972) | BEH | 105BEH | 169QUA | 1GEN | 8AGE | 6RAC | 1EDU | YTS04 | 4 | |
5 | 2015 | AZ | Arizona | Tobacco Use - Survey Data | Cessation (Youth) | Quit Attempt in Past Year Among Current Cigarette Smokers | YTS | % | Percentage | . | * | Data in these cells have been suppressed because of a small sample size | . | . | . | . | Male | All Races | All Ages | Middle School | (34.865970280000454, -111.76381127699972) | BEH | 105BEH | 169QUA | 2GEN | 8AGE | 6RAC | 1EDU | YTS05 | 5 |
Download an Excel version of the Monuments dataset, Monuments.xlsx, from CANVAS. Use PROC IMPORT to read in the dataset and call the output mon.
Obs | name | zipCode | neighborhood | councilDistrict | policeDistrict | Location 1 |
1 | James Cardinal Gibbons | 21201 | Downtown | 11 | CENTRAL | 408 CHARLES ST Baltimore, MD |
2 | The Battle Monument | 21202 | Downtown | 11 | CENTRAL | |
3 | Negro Heroes of the U.S Monument | 21202 | Downtown | 11 | CENTRAL | |
4 | Star Bangled Banner | 21202 | Downtown | 11 | CENTRAL | 100 HOLLIDAY ST Baltimore, MD |
5 | Flame at the Holocaust Monument | 21202 | Downtown | 11 | CENTRAL | 50 MARKET PL Baltimore, MD |
Write a DATA step that will read in the following column formatted data using DATALINES and print the results using PROC PRINT. This dataset contains information on esophageal cancer in Ille-et-Vilaine, France. The variables are
Age group
Alcohol consumption
Tobacco consumption
Number of Cases
Number of Controls
Write a DATA step to read in the data and print the results. Note: the first line is to help you count the columns. Each number corresponds to a multiple of 5.
----1----2----3----4----5----6----7----8 75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 18 75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 6 75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 3 75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 5 75+ 40-79 10-19 1 3 75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3 75+ 40-79 30+ 1 1 75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 1 75+ 80-119 10-19 1 1 75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 2 75+ 120+ 10-19 1 1
DATA eso;
INPUT aggrp $ 1-3 alc $ 5-13 smoke $ 15-22 ncases 29 ncontrl 38-39;
75+ 0-39g/day 0-9g/day 1 18
75+ 0-39g/day 10-19 2 6
75+ 0-39g/day 30+ 1 3
75+ 40-79 0-9g/day 2 5
75+ 40-79 10-19 1 3
75+ 40-79 20-29 0 3
75+ 40-79 30+ 1 1
75+ 80-119 0-9g/day 1 1
75+ 80-119 10-19 1 1
75+ 120+ 0-9g/day 2 2
75+ 120+ 10-19 1 1
Obs | aggrp | alc | smoke | ncases | ncontrl |
1 | 75+ | 0-39g/day | 0-9g/day | 1 | 18 |
2 | 75+ | 0-39g/day | 10-19 | 2 | 6 |
3 | 75+ | 0-39g/day | 30+ | 1 | 3 |
4 | 75+ | 40-79 | 0-9g/day | 2 | 5 |
5 | 75+ | 40-79 | 10-19 | 1 | 3 |
6 | 75+ | 40-79 | 20-29 | 0 | 3 |
7 | 75+ | 40-79 | 30+ | 1 | 1 |
8 | 75+ | 80-119 | 0-9g/day | 1 | 1 |
9 | 75+ | 80-119 | 10-19 | 1 | 1 |
10 | 75+ | 120+ | 0-9g/day | 2 | 2 |
11 | 75+ | 120+ | 10-19 | 1 | 1 |
17.4. SAS Variables and Assignment Statements¶
Use the following SAS data step to create the new variables
defined below:
data school; input Age Quiz : $1. Midterm Final; /* Add you statements here */ datalines; 12 A 92 95 12 B 88 88 13 C 78 75 13 A 92 93 12 F 55 62 13 B 88 82 ;
Using If-Then-Else statements, compute two new variables as follows:
Grade (numeric), with a value of 6 if Age is 12 and a value of 8 if Age is 13.
The quiz grades have numerical equivalents as follows: A = 95, B = 85, C = 75, D = 70, and F = 65. Using this information, compute a course grade (Course) as a weighted average of the Quiz (20%), Midterm (30%) and Final (50%).
data school;
input Age Quiz : $1. Midterm Final;
IF Age = 12 THEN Grade = 6;
ELSE IF AGE = 13 THEN Grade = 8;
IF quiz = "A" THEN Course = 0.2*95 + 0.3*midterm + 0.5*final;
ELSE IF quiz = "B" THEN Course = 0.2*85 + 0.3*midterm + 0.5*final;
ELSE IF quiz = "C" THEN Course = 0.2*75 + 0.3*midterm + 0.5*final;
ELSE IF quiz = "D" THEN Course = 0.2*70 + 0.3*midterm + 0.5*final;
ELSE IF quiz = "F" THEN Course = 0.2*65 + 0.3*midterm + 0.5*final;
12 A 92 95
12 B 88 88
13 C 78 75
13 A 92 93
12 F 55 62
13 B 88 82
Obs | Age | Quiz | Midterm | Final | Grade | Course |
1 | 12 | A | 92 | 95 | 6 | 94.1 |
2 | 12 | B | 88 | 88 | 6 | 87.4 |
3 | 13 | C | 78 | 75 | 8 | 75.9 |
4 | 13 | A | 92 | 93 | 8 | 93.1 |
5 | 12 | F | 55 | 62 | 6 | 60.5 |
6 | 13 | B | 88 | 82 | 8 | 84.4 |
17.5. Working with Your Data¶
Create a temporary SAS dataset called
from the sashelp.heart dataset. The library sashelp if a permanent library that comes with SAS.
1348 ods listing close;ods html5 (id=saspy_internal) file=stdout options(bitmap_mode='inline') device=svg style=HTMLBlue; ods
1348! graphics on / outputfmt=png;
1350 DATA heart;
1351 SET sashelp.heart;
1352 RUN;
NOTE: There were 5209 observations read from the data set SASHELP.HEART.
NOTE: The data set WORK.HEART has 5209 observations and 17 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
1354 ods html5 (id=saspy_internal) close;ods listing;
View the description of the
dataset by running PROC CONTENTS. How many observations (rows) and variables (columns) are in the dataset?
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.HEART | Observations | 5209 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 17 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 21:35:04 | Observation Length | 168 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 21:35:04 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 14 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 389 |
Obs in First Data Page | 365 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/heart.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671720 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 960KB |
File Size (bytes) | 983040 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | ||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Label |
12 | AgeAtDeath | Num | 8 | Age at Death |
5 | AgeAtStart | Num | 8 | Age at Start |
3 | AgeCHDdiag | Num | 8 | Age CHD Diagnosed |
15 | BP_Status | Char | 7 | Blood Pressure Status |
14 | Chol_Status | Char | 10 | Cholesterol Status |
13 | Cholesterol | Num | 8 | |
2 | DeathCause | Char | 26 | Cause of Death |
8 | Diastolic | Num | 8 | |
6 | Height | Num | 8 | |
10 | MRW | Num | 8 | Metropolitan Relative Weight |
4 | Sex | Char | 6 | |
11 | Smoking | Num | 8 | |
17 | Smoking_Status | Char | 17 | Smoking Status |
9 | Systolic | Num | 8 | |
7 | Weight | Num | 8 | |
16 | Weight_Status | Char | 11 | Weight Status |
1 | condition | Char | 5 |
There are 5209 observations (rows) and 17 variables (columns).
Use the RENAME= option to rename
. Show the variables table from PROC CONTENTS to see that the name has changed.
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.HEART2 | Observations | 5209 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 17 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 21:39:47 | Observation Length | 168 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 21:39:47 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 14 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 389 |
Obs in First Data Page | 365 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/heart2.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671720 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 960KB |
File Size (bytes) | 983040 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | ||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Label |
12 | AgeAtDeath | Num | 8 | Age at Death |
5 | AgeAtStart | Num | 8 | Age at Start |
3 | AgeCHDdiag | Num | 8 | Age CHD Diagnosed |
15 | BP_Status | Char | 7 | Blood Pressure Status |
14 | Chol_Status | Char | 10 | Cholesterol Status |
13 | Cholesterol | Num | 8 | |
2 | DeathCause | Char | 26 | Cause of Death |
8 | Diastolic | Num | 8 | |
6 | Height | Num | 8 | |
10 | MRW | Num | 8 | Metropolitan Relative Weight |
4 | Sex | Char | 6 | |
11 | Smoking | Num | 8 | |
17 | Smoking_Status | Char | 17 | Smoking Status |
9 | Systolic | Num | 8 | |
7 | Weight | Num | 8 | |
16 | Weight_Status | Char | 11 | Weight Status |
1 | condition | Char | 5 |
Create a subset of
that contains only the columnsheight
, anddiastolic
. What are the dimensions ofheart_sub
? Print the first five rows ofheart_sub
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.HEART_SUB | Observations | 5209 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 3 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 21:39:50 | Observation Length | 24 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 21:39:50 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 2 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 2714 |
Obs in First Data Page | 2625 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/heart_sub.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671721 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 192KB |
File Size (bytes) | 196608 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||
# | Variable | Type | Len |
3 | Diastolic | Num | 8 |
1 | Height | Num | 8 |
2 | Weight | Num | 8 |
Obs | Height | Weight | Diastolic |
1 | 62.50 | 140 | 78 |
2 | 59.75 | 194 | 92 |
3 | 62.25 | 132 | 90 |
4 | 65.75 | 158 | 80 |
5 | 66.00 | 156 | 76 |
The new dataset heart_sub
contains 5209 rows and 3 columns.
Subset the patients (rows) of
that have a diastolic blood pressure (diastolic) more than 90 into a dataset calledheart_sub2
. How many are there? Print the first five rows ofheart_sub2
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.HEART_SUB2 | Observations | 1366 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 17 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 21:39:55 | Observation Length | 168 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 21:39:55 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 4 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 389 |
Obs in First Data Page | 365 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/heart_sub2.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671723 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 320KB |
File Size (bytes) | 327680 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | ||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Label |
12 | AgeAtDeath | Num | 8 | Age at Death |
5 | AgeAtStart | Num | 8 | Age at Start |
3 | AgeCHDdiag | Num | 8 | Age CHD Diagnosed |
15 | BP_Status | Char | 7 | Blood Pressure Status |
14 | Chol_Status | Char | 10 | Cholesterol Status |
13 | Cholesterol | Num | 8 | |
2 | DeathCause | Char | 26 | Cause of Death |
8 | Diastolic | Num | 8 | |
6 | Height | Num | 8 | |
10 | MRW | Num | 8 | Metropolitan Relative Weight |
4 | Sex | Char | 6 | |
11 | Smoking | Num | 8 | |
17 | Smoking_Status | Char | 17 | Smoking Status |
1 | Status | Char | 5 | |
9 | Systolic | Num | 8 | |
7 | Weight | Num | 8 | |
16 | Weight_Status | Char | 11 | Weight Status |
Obs | Status | DeathCause | AgeCHDdiag | Sex | AgeAtStart | Height | Weight | Diastolic | Systolic | MRW | Smoking | AgeAtDeath | Cholesterol | Chol_Status | BP_Status | Weight_Status | Smoking_Status |
1 | Dead | Cancer | . | Female | 41 | 59.75 | 194 | 92 | 144 | 183 | 0 | 57 | 181 | Desirable | High | Overweight | Non-smoker |
2 | Alive | . | Female | 58 | 61.75 | 131 | 92 | 176 | 117 | 0 | . | 196 | Desirable | High | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
3 | Alive | . | Female | 42 | 67.75 | 162 | 96 | 138 | 119 | 1 | . | 200 | Borderline | High | Overweight | Light (1-5) | |
4 | Dead | Coronary Heart Disease | 71 | Female | 49 | 60.50 | 153 | 110 | 196 | 140 | 5 | 73 | 221 | Borderline | High | Overweight | Light (1-5) |
5 | Alive | 43 | Male | 33 | 66.50 | 172 | 106 | 146 | 127 | 0 | . | 247 | High | High | Overweight | Non-smoker |
There are 1366 patients with a diastolic blood pressure above 90.
Subset the patients (rows) of
that have a diastolic blood pressure less than or equal to 90 and have a weight more than 180 pounds into a dataset calledheart_sub3
. How many are there? Print the first five rows ofheart_sub3
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.HEART_SUB3 | Observations | 481 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 17 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 21:43:36 | Observation Length | 168 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 21:43:36 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 2 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 389 |
Obs in First Data Page | 365 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/heart_sub3.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671722 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 192KB |
File Size (bytes) | 196608 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | ||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Label |
12 | AgeAtDeath | Num | 8 | Age at Death |
5 | AgeAtStart | Num | 8 | Age at Start |
3 | AgeCHDdiag | Num | 8 | Age CHD Diagnosed |
15 | BP_Status | Char | 7 | Blood Pressure Status |
14 | Chol_Status | Char | 10 | Cholesterol Status |
13 | Cholesterol | Num | 8 | |
2 | DeathCause | Char | 26 | Cause of Death |
8 | Diastolic | Num | 8 | |
6 | Height | Num | 8 | |
10 | MRW | Num | 8 | Metropolitan Relative Weight |
4 | Sex | Char | 6 | |
11 | Smoking | Num | 8 | |
17 | Smoking_Status | Char | 17 | Smoking Status |
1 | Status | Char | 5 | |
9 | Systolic | Num | 8 | |
7 | Weight | Num | 8 | |
16 | Weight_Status | Char | 11 | Weight Status |
Obs | Status | DeathCause | AgeCHDdiag | Sex | AgeAtStart | Height | Weight | Diastolic | Systolic | MRW | Smoking | AgeAtDeath | Cholesterol | Chol_Status | BP_Status | Weight_Status | Smoking_Status |
1 | Alive | . | Male | 35 | 71.00 | 194 | 68 | 132 | 124 | 0 | . | 211 | Borderline | Normal | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
2 | Alive | . | Female | 50 | 67.50 | 185 | 88 | 150 | 136 | 15 | . | 228 | Borderline | High | Overweight | Moderate (6-15) | |
3 | Alive | . | Male | 42 | 72.25 | 182 | 78 | 136 | 113 | 0 | . | 221 | Borderline | Normal | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
4 | Alive | 68 | Male | 40 | 70.00 | 189 | 78 | 124 | 124 | 0 | . | 319 | High | Normal | Overweight | Non-smoker | |
5 | Alive | 68 | Male | 40 | 70.00 | 195 | 76 | 132 | 128 | 20 | . | 205 | Borderline | Normal | Overweight | Heavy (16-25) |
There are 481 patients with a diastolic blood pressure less than or equal to 90 and with a weight above 180 pounds.
Create a subset of
that only contains the columnsweight
, andcholesterol
for those that are heavy smokers smoker (Smoking_Status = “Heavy (16-25)”). Save this toheart_sub
. What are the dimensions of the dataset? Print the first five rows ofheart_sub
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.HEART_SUB | Observations | 1046 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 3 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 21:47:19 | Observation Length | 24 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 21:47:19 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 2714 |
Obs in First Data Page | 1046 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/heart_sub.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671725 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||
# | Variable | Type | Len |
3 | Cholesterol | Num | 8 |
2 | Systolic | Num | 8 |
1 | Weight | Num | 8 |
Obs | Weight | Systolic | Cholesterol |
1 | 156 | 110 | 281 |
2 | 195 | 132 | 205 |
3 | 181 | 144 | 223 |
4 | 152 | 144 | 263 |
5 | 196 | 128 | . |
The new heart_sub dataset contains 1046 rows and three columns.
Reorder the rows of
in decreasing order by cholesterol. Print the first 5 rows of the sorted dataset.
17.6. Data Summarization¶
How many bike lanes are currently in Baltimore? You can assume that each observation/row is a different bike lane.
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.BIKE | Observations | 1631 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 9 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/17/2020 22:01:39 | Observation Length | 136 |
Last Modified | 10/17/2020 22:01:39 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 4 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 481 |
Obs in First Data Page | 459 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/bike.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671721 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 320KB |
File Size (bytes) | 327680 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
3 | block | Char | 29 | $29. | $29. |
9 | dateInstalled | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
8 | length | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
2 | name | Char | 20 | $20. | $20. |
5 | numLanes | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
6 | project | Char | 25 | $25. | $25. |
7 | route | Char | 13 | $13. | $13. |
1 | subType | Char | 6 | $6. | $6. |
4 | type | Char | 15 | $15. | $15. |
There are 1631 rows.
How many (a) feet and (b) miles of total bike lanes are currently in Baltimore? (The length variable provides the length in feet.)
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : length |
Sum |
439447.59 |
Obs | length_mi |
1 | 83.2287 |
How many types (type) bike lanes are there? Which type (a) occurs the most and (b) has the longest average bike lane length?
The FREQ Procedure
type | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Frequency Missing = 9 | ||||
BIKE BOULEVARD | 49 | 3.02 | 49 | 3.02 |
BIKE LANE | 621 | 38.29 | 670 | 41.31 |
CONTRAFLOW | 13 | 0.80 | 683 | 42.11 |
SHARED BUS BIKE | 39 | 2.40 | 722 | 44.51 |
SHARROW | 589 | 36.31 | 1311 | 80.83 |
SIDEPATH | 7 | 0.43 | 1318 | 81.26 |
SIGNED ROUTE | 304 | 18.74 | 1622 | 100.00 |
Obs | type | _TYPE_ | _FREQ_ | length_mean |
1 | SIDEPATH | 1 | 7 | 665.87751019 |
2 | BIKE LANE | 1 | 621 | 300.24183502 |
3 | SHARED BUS BIKE | 1 | 39 | 276.66575695 |
4 | 0 | 1622 | 269.48876975 | |
5 | SIGNED ROUTE | 1 | 304 | 263.57986593 |
6 | SHARROW | 1 | 589 | 243.8718592 |
7 | BIKE BOULEVARD | 1 | 49 | 197.27815495 |
8 | CONTRAFLOW | 1 | 13 | 136.46646088 |
There are 7 bike lane types (8 if you include missing as a category). The lane type that occurrs the most often is bike lane with a count of 621. The lane type sidepath has the longest average length at 665.88 ft.
How many different projects (project) do the bike lanes fall into? Which project category has the longest average bike lane length?
The FREQ Procedure
project | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Frequency Missing = 74 | ||||
CHARM CITY CIRCULATOR | 39 | 2.50 | 39 | 2.50 |
COLLEGETOWN | 339 | 21.77 | 378 | 24.28 |
COLLEGETOWN NETWORK | 13 | 0.83 | 391 | 25.11 |
ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION | 12 | 0.77 | 403 | 25.88 |
GUILFORD AVE BIKE BLVD | 49 | 3.15 | 452 | 29.03 |
MAINTENANCE | 4 | 0.26 | 456 | 29.29 |
OPERATION ORANGE CONE | 458 | 29.42 | 914 | 58.70 |
PARK HEIGHTS BIKE NETWORK | 172 | 11.05 | 1086 | 69.75 |
PLANNING TRAFFIC | 18 | 1.16 | 1104 | 70.91 |
SOUTHEAST BIKE NETWORK | 323 | 20.75 | 1427 | 91.65 |
TRAFFIC | 51 | 3.28 | 1478 | 94.93 |
TRAFFIC CALMING | 79 | 5.07 | 1557 | 100.00 |
Obs | project | _TYPE_ | _FREQ_ | length_mean |
1 | MAINTENANCE | 1 | 4 | 1942.1522856 |
2 | ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION | 1 | 12 | 512.09762483 |
3 | TRAFFIC | 1 | 51 | 419.52878809 |
4 | COLLEGETOWN | 1 | 339 | 320.68363126 |
5 | PARK HEIGHTS BIKE NETWORK | 1 | 172 | 283.22519367 |
6 | CHARM CITY CIRCULATOR | 1 | 39 | 276.66575695 |
7 | 0 | 1557 | 272.0534698 | |
8 | TRAFFIC CALMING | 1 | 79 | 268.53137627 |
9 | OPERATION ORANGE CONE | 1 | 458 | 250.07840273 |
10 | COLLEGETOWN NETWORK | 1 | 13 | 213.63728443 |
11 | SOUTHEAST BIKE NETWORK | 1 | 323 | 210.82827388 |
12 | PLANNING TRAFFIC | 1 | 18 | 209.42893827 |
13 | GUILFORD AVE BIKE BLVD | 1 | 49 | 197.27815495 |
There are 12 project types (13 if you include missing as a project type). The maintenance project has the longest average bike lane length at 1942.15 ft.
What was the average bike lane length per year that they were installed? (Be sure to first set dateInstalled to . if it is equal to zero.)
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : length | ||
dateInstalled | N Obs | Mean |
2006 | 2 | 1469.35 |
2007 | 368 | 309.8903287 |
2008 | 206 | 249.4810027 |
2009 | 86 | 407.2947463 |
2010 | 625 | 245.6015777 |
2011 | 101 | 232.8127593 |
2012 | 107 | 271.4321825 |
2013 | 10 | 290.4263702 |
(a) Numerically and (b) graphically describe the distribution of bike lane lengths (length).
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: length
Moments | |||
N | 1631 | Sum Weights | 1631 |
Mean | 269.434449 | Sum Observations | 439447.587 |
Std Deviation | 277.706646 | Variance | 77120.9813 |
Skewness | 5.1297861 | Kurtosis | 43.3888947 |
Uncorrected SS | 244109518 | Corrected SS | 125707200 |
Coeff Variation | 103.070208 | Std Error Mean | 6.87637089 |
Basic Statistical Measures | |||
Location | Variability | ||
Mean | 269.4344 | Std Deviation | 277.70665 |
Median | 200.3027 | Variance | 77121 |
Mode | . | Range | 3749 |
Interquartile Range | 217.16479 |
Tests for Location: Mu0=0 | ||||
Test | Statistic | p Value | ||
Student's t | t | 39.18265 | Pr > |t| | <.0001 |
Sign | M | 815 | Pr >= |M| | <.0001 |
Signed Rank | S | 664632.5 | Pr >= |S| | <.0001 |
Quantiles (Definition 5) | |
Level | Quantile |
100% Max | 3749.3226 |
99% | 1341.8291 |
95% | 664.2305 |
90% | 502.2232 |
75% Q3 | 341.1493 |
50% Median | 200.3027 |
25% Q1 | 123.9845 |
10% | 67.8206 |
5% | 45.3655 |
1% | 14.8383 |
0% Min | 0.0000 |
Extreme Observations | |||
Lowest | Highest | ||
Value | Obs | Value | Obs |
0.00000 | 4 | 2536.73 | 1284 |
5.51372 | 523 | 2715.20 | 1344 |
6.85712 | 724 | 2916.53 | 903 |
8.16243 | 490 | 3467.68 | 904 |
9.71914 | 595 | 3749.32 | 3 |
Describe the distribution of bike lane lengths numerically and graphically after stratifying them by (a) type and then by (b) number of lanes (numLanes).
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : length | |||
type | N Obs | Mean | Std Dev |
BIKE BOULEVARD | 49 | 197.2781549 | 113.1318019 |
BIKE LANE | 621 | 300.2418350 | 314.6605599 |
CONTRAFLOW | 13 | 136.4664609 | 48.5165725 |
SHARED BUS BIKE | 39 | 276.6657570 | 140.1811711 |
SHARROW | 589 | 243.8718592 | 188.4222254 |
SIDEPATH | 7 | 665.8775102 | 619.3894227 |
SIGNED ROUTE | 304 | 263.5798659 | 347.8501541 |
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : length | |||
numLanes | N Obs | Mean | Std Dev |
0 | 21 | 308.3767969 | 201.5548096 |
1 | 900 | 277.9016282 | 317.8281529 |
2 | 710 | 257.5495894 | 218.6179448 |
17.7. SAS Formats and Dates¶
Use proc freq to make a table of the different bike lane types.
The FREQ Procedure
type | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Frequency Missing = 9 | ||||
BIKE BOULEVARD | 49 | 3.02 | 49 | 3.02 |
BIKE LANE | 621 | 38.29 | 670 | 41.31 |
CONTRAFLOW | 13 | 0.80 | 683 | 42.11 |
SHARED BUS BIKE | 39 | 2.40 | 722 | 44.51 |
SHARROW | 589 | 36.31 | 1311 | 80.83 |
SIDEPATH | 7 | 0.43 | 1318 | 81.26 |
SIGNED ROUTE | 304 | 18.74 | 1622 | 100.00 |
Create a format that changes changes the bike lane types by mapping “SIDEPATH”, “BIKE BOULEVARD”, and “BIKE LANE” to itself but does not provide a value for the other types. Apply this format to type and make a table of type using PROC FREQ. What happens to the other bike lane types?
The FREQ Procedure
type | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Frequency Missing = 954 | ||||
BIKE BOULEVARD | 49 | 7.24 | 49 | 7.24 |
BIKE LANE | 621 | 91.73 | 670 | 98.97 |
SIDEPATH | 7 | 1.03 | 677 | 100.00 |
We have translated all but BIKE BOULEVARD, BIKE LANE, and SIDEPATE to missing, so we only get these three listed as categories in the table.
Create a format that changes the bike lane types to be “CONTRAFLOW”, “SHARED BUS BIKE”, “SHARROW”, “SIGNED ROUTE”, or “OTHER” if the lane type is anything else.
The FREQ Procedure
type | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Frequency Missing = 9 | ||||
OTHER | 677 | 41.74 | 677 | 41.74 |
CONTRAFLOW | 13 | 0.80 | 690 | 42.54 |
SHARED BUS BIKE | 39 | 2.40 | 729 | 44.94 |
SHARROW | 589 | 36.31 | 1318 | 81.26 |
SIGNED ROUTE | 304 | 18.74 | 1622 | 100.00 |
Write a datatep that can be used to read in the following small dataset with three dates and one time. Then print the dataset using readable date formats.
DATA temp;
INPUT date1 /*informat1*/ +1 date2 /*informat2*/ +1
date3 /*informat3*/ @32 time /*informat4*/;
2014/02/14 06Jan2018 4/5/2016 03:2:22
17.8. Character Functions¶
Read in the Baltimore city employee salaries dataset, Baltimore_City_Employee_Salaries_FY2015.csv, using PROC IMPORT.
Obs | name | JobTitle | AgencyID | Agency | HireDate | AnnualSalary | GrossPay |
1 | Aaron,Patricia G | Facilities/Office Services II | A03031 | OED-Employment Dev (031) | 10/24/1979 | 55,314 | 53,626 |
2 | Aaron,Petra L | ASSISTANT STATE'S ATTORNEY | A29045 | States Attorneys Office (045) | 09/25/2006 | 74,000 | 73,000 |
3 | Abaineh,Yohannes T | EPIDEMIOLOGIST | A65026 | HLTH-Health Department (026) | 07/23/2009 | 64,500 | 64,404 |
4 | Abbene,Anthony M | POLICE OFFICER | A99005 | Police Department (005) | 07/24/2013 | 46,309 | 59,620 |
5 | Abbey,Emmanuel | CONTRACT SERV SPEC II | A40001 | M-R Info Technology (001) | 05/01/2013 | 60,060 | 54,060 |
Make a temporary SAS dataset called
using the salaries dataset, with only the agencies (JobTitle
) of those with “fire” (anywhere in the job title), if any, in the name. Be sure to ignore case in the string matching for ‘fire’.
Obs | JobTitle |
1 | EMT Firefighter Suppression |
2 | Fire Pump Operator Supp ALS |
3 | Firefighter/Paramedic Suppress |
4 | Fire Pump Operator Supp ALS |
5 | Firefighter Suppression |
Make a temporary data set called
which contains only agencies that contain “TRANS” (case sensitive).
Obs | JobTitle |
What is/are the profession(s) of people who have “abra” in their name for Baltimore’s Salaries? Case should be ignored.
Obs | name | JobTitle |
26 | Abraham,Donta D | LABORER (Hourly) |
27 | Abraham,Santhosh | ACCOUNTANT I |
28 | Abraham,Sharon M | HOUSING INSPECTOR |
29 | Abrahams,Brandon A | POLICE OFFICER TRAINEE |
3761 | Elgamil,Abraham D | AUDITOR SUPV |
4545 | Gatto,Abraham M | POLICE OFFICER |
11107 | Schwartz,Abraham M | GENERAL COUNSEL |
12789 | Velez,Abraham L | POLICE OFFICER (EID) |
Create a subset of the salaries dataset that only includes the Police Department, Fire Department and Sheriff’s Office. Use the Agency variable with (case sensitive) string matching. Call this
. How many employees are in this new dataset?
Obs | Agency |
1 | Police Department (005) |
2 | Fire Department (120) |
3 | Police Department (127) |
4 | Sheriff's Office (410) |
5 | Fire Department (465) |
Create a variable called
in theemer
data set by extracting the the part of theAgency
variable up until ‘ment’ or ‘ice’. E.g. we want to extract all characters up until ment or ice (we can group in regex using parentheses) and then discard the rest. Use:
re = prxparse('/.*(ment|ice)/');
call prxsubstr(re, Agency, pos, len);
dept = substr(Agency, pos, len);
The FREQ Procedure
dept | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Fire Department | 1615 | 32.81 | 1615 | 32.81 |
Police Department | 3097 | 62.92 | 4712 | 95.73 |
Sheriff's Office | 210 | 4.27 | 4922 | 100.00 |
17.9. Data Cleaning¶
Read in the bike lanes dataset Bike_Lanes.csv using PROC IMPORT and call it bike.
Obs | subType | name | block | type | numLanes | project | route | length | dateInstalled |
1 | BIKE BOULEVARD | 1 | GUILFORD AVE BIKE BLVD | 435.73787702 | 0 | ||||
2 | SIDEPATH | 1 | NORTHERN | 1024.6746249 | 2010 | ||||
3 | SIGNED ROUTE | 1 | SOUTHEAST BIKE NETWORK | 3749.3226377 | 2010 | ||||
4 | HUNTINGDON PATH | SIDEPATH | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||||
How many rows are are in the bike dataset? How many are complete cases? Hint: Use cmiss(of ALL) in a dataset to create a 0/1 variable to indicate if it complete or not and then use PROC MEANS to sum this 0/1 variable.
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.BIKE | Observations | 1631 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 9 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/18/2020 11:55:08 | Observation Length | 136 |
Last Modified | 10/18/2020 11:55:08 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 4 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 481 |
Obs in First Data Page | 459 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/bike.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671716 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 320KB |
File Size (bytes) | 327680 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
3 | block | Char | 29 | $29. | $29. |
9 | dateInstalled | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
8 | length | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
2 | name | Char | 20 | $20. | $20. |
5 | numLanes | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
6 | project | Char | 25 | $25. | $25. |
7 | route | Char | 13 | $13. | $13. |
1 | subType | Char | 6 | $6. | $6. |
4 | type | Char | 15 | $15. | $15. |
There are 1631 rows in the bike data set.
Obs | subType | name | block | type | numLanes | project | route | length | dateInstalled | complete |
1 | BIKE BOULEVARD | 1 | GUILFORD AVE BIKE BLVD | 435.73787702 | 0 | 0 | ||||
2 | SIDEPATH | 1 | NORTHERN | 1024.6746249 | 2010 | 0 | ||||
3 | SIGNED ROUTE | 1 | SOUTHEAST BIKE NETWORK | 3749.3226377 | 2010 | 0 | ||||
4 | HUNTINGDON PATH | SIDEPATH | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ||||
5 | STCLN | EDMONDSON AVE | 5300 BLK EDMONDSON AVE | BIKE LANE | 1 | OPERATION ORANGE CONE | 180.92546489 | 2011 | 0 |
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : complete |
Sum |
257.0000000 |
Filter rows of bike that are NOT missing the
variable, assign this to the objecthave_route
. Create a frequency table of thesubType
variable using PROC FREQ, including the missingsubType
17.10. Data Manipulation¶
Read in the Bike_Lanes_Wide.csv dataset and call is
using PROC IMPORT. Print the first few rows of the dataset.
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.WIDE | Observations | 134 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 9 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/29/2020 14:57:01 | Observation Length | 141 |
Last Modified | 10/29/2020 14:57:01 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 464 |
Obs in First Data Page | 134 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workFB360000230E_localhost.localdomain/wide.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671855 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
2 | BIKE BOULEVARD | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
3 | BIKE LANE | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
4 | CONTRAFLOW | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
9 | NA | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
5 | SHARED BUS BIKE | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
6 | SHARROW | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
7 | SIDEPATH | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
8 | SIGNED ROUTE | Char | 11 | $11. | $11. |
1 | name | Char | 53 | $53. | $53. |
1 | ALBEMARLE ST | NA | NA | NA | NA | 109.9141727 | NA | 234.9190031 | NA |
2 | ALICEANNA ST | NA | NA | NA | NA | 250.7103035 | NA | NA | NA |
3 | ARGONNE DR | NA | 1312.608373 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
4 | ART MUSEUM DR | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | 277.6579871 | NA |
5 | AUCHENTOROLY TERR | NA | 1341.82908 | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA | NA |
using either PROC TRANSPOSE or a DATA step. You will need to gather all columns except the name column. Transform into a long dataset with two new columnslanetype
(the former column names) andthe_length
the data values. In the variablethe_length
, replace ‘NA’ values with . and convert it to a numeric column.
DATA long;
SET wide;
array col{*} 'BIKE BOULEVARD'n -- NA; /*BIKE_BOULEVARD -- NA*/
DO i = 1 TO dim(col);
lanetype = vname(col(i));
IF col(i) = 'NA' THEN the_length = .;
ELSE the_length = INPUT(col(i), 20.7);
PROC PRINT data = long(obs=10);
TITLE 'Using a DATA step';
PROC SORT data=wide;
BY name;
PROC TRANSPOSE data = wide
out = long2 (RENAME = (COL1 = the_length
_NAME_ = lanetype));
BY name;
DATA long2;
SET long2(RENAME = (the_length = length));
IF length = 'NA' THEN the_length = .;
ELSE the_length = INPUT(length, 20.7);
DROP length;
PROC PRINT data = long2(OBS=10);
Obs | name | lanetype | the_length |
5 | ALBEMARLE ST | SHARROW | 109.914 |
8 | ALBEMARLE ST | NA | . |
Obs | name | lanetype | the_length |
5 | ALBEMARLE ST | SHARROW | 109.914 |
8 | ALBEMARLE ST | NA | . |
Read in the roads and crashes .csv files and call them
PROC IMPORT datafile="/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/roads.csv"
out = road dbms = csv replace;
getnames = yes;
guessingrows = max;
PROC IMPORT datafile="/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/crashes.csv"
out = crash dbms = csv replace;
getnames = yes;
guessingrows = max;
PROC PRINT data = road;
PROC PRINT data = crash(OBS=10);
Obs | Road | District | Length |
1 | Interstate 65 | Greenfield | 262 |
2 | Interstate 70 | Vincennes | 156 |
3 | US-36 | Crawfordsville | 139 |
4 | US-40 | Greenfield | 150 |
5 | US-52 | Crawfordsville | 172 |
Obs | Year | Road | N_Crashes | Volume |
1 | 1991 | Interstate 65 | 25 | 40000 |
2 | 1992 | Interstate 65 | 37 | 41000 |
3 | 1993 | Interstate 65 | 45 | 45000 |
4 | 1994 | Interstate 65 | 46 | 45600 |
5 | 1995 | Interstate 65 | 46 | 49000 |
6 | 1996 | Interstate 65 | 59 | 51000 |
7 | 1997 | Interstate 65 | 76 | 52000 |
8 | 1998 | Interstate 65 | 90 | 58000 |
9 | 1999 | Interstate 65 | 95 | 65000 |
10 | 2000 | Interstate 65 | 95 | 74000 |
Replace (using
) any hyphens (-
) with a space inRoad
variable ofcrash
. Call this datacrash2
. Table theRoad
variable with PROC FREQ.
The FREQ Procedure
Road | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Interstate 275 | 22 | 20.00 | 22 | 20.00 |
Interstate 65 | 22 | 20.00 | 44 | 40.00 |
Interstate 70 | 22 | 20.00 | 66 | 60.00 |
US 36 | 22 | 20.00 | 88 | 80.00 |
US 40 | 22 | 20.00 | 110 | 100.00 |
How many observations are in each of the
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.CRASH | Observations | 110 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 4 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/18/2020 17:00:48 | Observation Length | 40 |
Last Modified | 10/18/2020 17:00:48 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 1632 |
Obs in First Data Page | 110 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/crash.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671741 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
3 | N_Crashes | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
2 | Road | Char | 14 | $14. | $14. |
4 | Volume | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
1 | Year | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.ROAD | Observations | 5 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 3 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/18/2020 17:00:48 | Observation Length | 40 |
Last Modified | 10/18/2020 17:00:48 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 1632 |
Obs in First Data Page | 5 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/road.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671709 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
2 | District | Char | 14 | $14. | $14. |
3 | Length | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
1 | Road | Char | 13 | $13. | $13. |
The crash dataset has 110 observations and the road datset has 5.
Separate the
column (usingscan
) into (type
) incrash2
. Reassign this tocrash2
. Tabletype
using PROC FREQ. Then create a new variable calling itroad_hyphen
using one of the concatenate functions (such as CAT). Unite thetype
columns using a hyphen (-
) and then tableroad_hyphen
using PROC FREQ.
The FREQ Procedure
type | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Interstate | 66 | 60.00 | 66 | 60.00 |
US | 44 | 40.00 | 110 | 100.00 |
The FREQ Procedure
road_hyphen | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
Interstate-275 | 22 | 20.00 | 22 | 20.00 |
Interstate-65 | 22 | 20.00 | 44 | 40.00 |
Interstate-70 | 22 | 20.00 | 66 | 60.00 |
US-36 | 22 | 20.00 | 88 | 80.00 |
US-40 | 22 | 20.00 | 110 | 100.00 |
Which and how many years were data collected in the
The FREQ Procedure
Year | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
1991 | 5 | 4.55 | 5 | 4.55 |
1992 | 5 | 4.55 | 10 | 9.09 |
1993 | 5 | 4.55 | 15 | 13.64 |
1994 | 5 | 4.55 | 20 | 18.18 |
1995 | 5 | 4.55 | 25 | 22.73 |
1996 | 5 | 4.55 | 30 | 27.27 |
1997 | 5 | 4.55 | 35 | 31.82 |
1998 | 5 | 4.55 | 40 | 36.36 |
1999 | 5 | 4.55 | 45 | 40.91 |
2000 | 5 | 4.55 | 50 | 45.45 |
2001 | 5 | 4.55 | 55 | 50.00 |
2002 | 5 | 4.55 | 60 | 54.55 |
2003 | 5 | 4.55 | 65 | 59.09 |
2004 | 5 | 4.55 | 70 | 63.64 |
2005 | 5 | 4.55 | 75 | 68.18 |
2006 | 5 | 4.55 | 80 | 72.73 |
2007 | 5 | 4.55 | 85 | 77.27 |
2008 | 5 | 4.55 | 90 | 81.82 |
2009 | 5 | 4.55 | 95 | 86.36 |
2010 | 5 | 4.55 | 100 | 90.91 |
2011 | 5 | 4.55 | 105 | 95.45 |
2012 | 5 | 4.55 | 110 | 100.00 |
The crash dataset contains data on the years from 1991 to 2012 for a total of 22 years.
Read in the dataset Bike_Lanes.csv and call it
Obs | subType | name | block | type | numLanes | project | route | length | dateInstalled |
1 | BIKE BOULEVARD | 1 | GUILFORD AVE BIKE BLVD | 435.73787702 | 0 | ||||
2 | SIDEPATH | 1 | NORTHERN | 1024.6746249 | 2010 | ||||
3 | SIGNED ROUTE | 1 | SOUTHEAST BIKE NETWORK | 3749.3226377 | 2010 | ||||
4 | HUNTINGDON PATH | SIDEPATH | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Keep rows where the record is not missing
and not missingname
and re-assign the output tobike
Obs | subType | name | block | type | numLanes | project | route | length | dateInstalled |
1 | BIKE BOULEVARD | 1 | GUILFORD AVE BIKE BLVD | 435.73787702 | 0 | ||||
2 | SIDEPATH | 1 | NORTHERN | 1024.6746249 | 2010 | ||||
3 | SIGNED ROUTE | 1 | SOUTHEAST BIKE NETWORK | 3749.3226377 | 2010 | ||||
4 | HUNTINGDON PATH | SIDEPATH | 1 | 0 | 0 | ||||
Using PROC MEANS with a BY statement grouping
(i.e for each type within each name), find thesum
of thelength
. Use an OUTPUT statement to get this summary dataset and only keep thename
and sum of thelength
column (after renaming this columnlength
). Call this data setsub
Obs | name | type | length |
1 | BIKE BOULEVARD | 435.73787702 | |
2 | BIKE LANE | 695.69831669 | |
3 | SHARROW | 186.96669187 | |
4 | SIDEPATH | 1024.6746249 | |
5 | SIGNED ROUTE | 6527.883024 | |
6 | ALBEMARLE ST | SHARROW | 439.65669098 |
7 | ALBEMARLE ST | SIGNED ROUTE | 1879.3520247 |
8 | ALICEANNA ST | SHARROW | 4763.495767 |
The FREQ Procedure
type | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
BIKE BOULEVARD | 3 | 1.80 | 3 | 1.80 |
BIKE LANE | 54 | 32.34 | 57 | 34.13 |
CONTRAFLOW | 4 | 2.40 | 61 | 36.53 |
SHARED BUS BIKE | 4 | 2.40 | 65 | 38.92 |
SHARROW | 50 | 29.94 | 115 | 68.86 |
SIDEPATH | 5 | 2.99 | 120 | 71.86 |
SIGNED ROUTE | 47 | 28.14 | 167 | 100.00 |
from long to wide by taking thetype
to be the new columns andlength
to be the value in those columns. (NOTE: thenames
have spaces in them. Do we need to replace the spaces with a character before changing them to column names?)
DATA new_wide;
SET sub;
BY name;
IF first.name THEN call missing(of atype(*));
IF type = 'BIKE BOULEVARD' THEN atype(1) = length;
ELSE IF type = 'BIKE LANE' THEN atype(2) = length;
ELSE IF type = 'CONTRAFLOW' THEN atype(3) = length;
ELSE IF type = 'SHARED BUS BIKE' THEN atype(4) = length;
ELSE IF type = 'SHARROW' THEN atype(5) = length;
ELSE IF type = 'SIDEPATH' THEN atype(6) = length;
ELSE IF type = 'SIGNED ROUTE' THEN atype(7) = length;
IF last.name THEN OUTPUT;
DROP type length;
PROC PRINT data=new_wide(OBS=5);
TITLE 'Wide Dataset Using DATA Step';
PROC TRANSPOSE data = sub out = new_wide2(drop=_NAME_);
BY name;
VAR length;
ID type;
PROC PRINT data = new_wide2(OBS=5);
TITLE 'Wide Dataset Using PROC TRANSPOSE';
1 | 435.738 | 695.70 | . | . | 186.97 | 1024.67 | 6527.88 | |
2 | ALBEMARLE ST | . | . | . | . | 439.66 | . | 1879.35 |
3 | ALICEANNA ST | . | . | . | . | 4763.50 | . | . |
4 | ARGONNE DR | . | 1312.61 | . | . | . | . | . |
5 | ART MUSEUM DR | . | . | . | . | . | . | 832.97 |
1 | 435.73787702 | 695.69831669 | 186.96669187 | 1024.6746249 | 6527.883024 | . | . | |
2 | ALBEMARLE ST | . | . | 439.65669098 | . | 1879.3520247 | . | . |
3 | ALICEANNA ST | . | . | 4763.495767 | . | . | . | . |
4 | ARGONNE DR | . | 1312.6083729 | . | . | . | . | . |
5 | ART MUSEUM DR | . | . | . | . | 832.97396136 | . | . |
Join data in the crash and road datasets to retain only complete data, (using an inner join on road) Merge by the variable
. Call the output merged. How many observations are there?
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.MERGED | Observations | 88 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 6 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/18/2020 20:34:03 | Observation Length | 64 |
Last Modified | 10/18/2020 20:34:03 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 1021 |
Obs in First Data Page | 88 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/merged.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671747 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
2 | District | Char | 14 | $14. | $14. |
3 | Length | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
5 | N_Crashes | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
1 | Road | Char | 13 | $13. | $13. |
6 | Volume | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
4 | Year | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
There are 88 rows.
Join data using a
. Call the outputfull
. How many observations are there?
Obs | Road | District | Length | Year | N_Crashes | Volume |
1 | Interstate 27 | . | 1991 | 27 | 20350 | |
2 | Interstate 27 | . | 1992 | 26 | 21200 | |
3 | Interstate 27 | . | 1993 | 22 | 23200 | |
4 | Interstate 27 | . | 1994 | 21 | 21200 | |
5 | Interstate 27 | . | 1995 | 28 | 23200 | |
6 | Interstate 27 | . | 1996 | 22 | 20000 | |
7 | Interstate 27 | . | 1997 | 27 | 18000 | |
8 | Interstate 27 | . | 1998 | 21 | 19500 | |
9 | Interstate 27 | . | 1999 | 22 | 21000 | |
10 | Interstate 27 | . | 2000 | 29 | 20700 |
Do a left join of the
. ORDER matters here! How many observations are there?
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.LEFT_JOIN | Observations | 89 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 6 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/18/2020 20:38:16 | Observation Length | 64 |
Last Modified | 10/18/2020 20:38:16 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 1021 |
Obs in First Data Page | 89 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/left_join.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671749 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
2 | District | Char | 14 | $14. | $14. |
3 | Length | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
5 | N_Crashes | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
1 | Road | Char | 13 | $13. | $13. |
6 | Volume | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
4 | Year | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
There are 89 rows.
Repeat above with a
with the same order of the arguments. How many observations are there?
The CONTENTS Procedure
Data Set Name | WORK.RIGHT_JOIN | Observations | 110 |
Member Type | DATA | Variables | 6 |
Engine | V9 | Indexes | 0 |
Created | 10/18/2020 20:39:48 | Observation Length | 64 |
Last Modified | 10/18/2020 20:39:48 | Deleted Observations | 0 |
Protection | Compressed | NO | |
Data Set Type | Sorted | NO | |
Label | |||
Data Representation | SOLARIS_X86_64, LINUX_X86_64, ALPHA_TRU64, LINUX_IA64 | ||
Encoding | utf-8 Unicode (UTF-8) |
Engine/Host Dependent Information | |
Data Set Page Size | 65536 |
Number of Data Set Pages | 1 |
First Data Page | 1 |
Max Obs per Page | 1021 |
Obs in First Data Page | 110 |
Number of Data Set Repairs | 0 |
Filename | /tmp/SAS_workA5B9000010B1_localhost.localdomain/right_join.sas7bdat |
Release Created | 9.0401M6 |
Host Created | Linux |
Inode Number | 671750 |
Access Permission | rw-r--r-- |
Owner Name | sasdemo |
File Size | 128KB |
File Size (bytes) | 131072 |
Alphabetic List of Variables and Attributes | |||||
# | Variable | Type | Len | Format | Informat |
2 | District | Char | 14 | $14. | $14. |
3 | Length | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
5 | N_Crashes | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
1 | Road | Char | 13 | $13. | $13. |
6 | Volume | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
4 | Year | Num | 8 | BEST12. | BEST32. |
There are 110 observations in the right joined dataset.
17.11. The Output Delivery System and Graphics¶
PROC IMPORT datafile = "/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/Charm_City_Circulator_Ridership.csv"
out = circ dbms = csv replace;
getnames = yes;
guessingrows = max;
DATA long;
SET circ;
ARRAY larray(*) orangeBoardings -- bannerAverage;
DO i = 1 TO dim(larray);
var = vname(larray(i));
number = larray(i);
var = tranwrd(var, 'Board', ' Board');
var = tranwrd(var, 'Alight', ' Alight');
var = tranwrd(var, 'Average', ' Average');
route = scan(var, 1);
type = scan(var, 2);
DROP i var orangeBoardings -- bannerAverage;
DATA avg;
SET long;
WHERE type = 'Average' and number ne .;
PROC PRINT data = long(obs = 10);
PROC PRINT data = avg(obs=10);
Obs | day | date | daily | number | route | type |
1 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | 877 | orange | Boardings |
2 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | 1027 | orange | Alightings |
3 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | 952 | orange | Average |
4 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | purple | Boardings |
5 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | purple | Alightings |
6 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | purple | Average |
7 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | green | Boardings |
8 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | green | Alightings |
9 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | green | Average |
10 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | . | banner | Boardings |
Obs | day | date | daily | number | route | type |
1 | Monday | 01/11/2010 | 952 | 952.0 | orange | Average |
2 | Tuesday | 01/12/2010 | 796 | 796.0 | orange | Average |
3 | Wednesday | 01/13/2010 | 1211.5 | 1211.5 | orange | Average |
4 | Thursday | 01/14/2010 | 1213.5 | 1213.5 | orange | Average |
5 | Friday | 01/15/2010 | 1644 | 1644.0 | orange | Average |
6 | Saturday | 01/16/2010 | 1490.5 | 1490.5 | orange | Average |
7 | Sunday | 01/17/2010 | 888.5 | 888.5 | orange | Average |
8 | Monday | 01/18/2010 | 999.5 | 999.5 | orange | Average |
9 | Tuesday | 01/19/2010 | 1035 | 1035.0 | orange | Average |
10 | Wednesday | 01/20/2010 | 1395.5 | 1395.5 | orange | Average |
Plot average ridership (avg data set) by date using a scatterplot. a. Color the points by route (orange, purple, green, banner) b. Add black smoothed curves for each route c. Color the points by day of the week
PROC SGPLOT data = avg;
TITLE '1a';
SCATTER Y = number X = date / group = route;
PROC SGPLOT data = avg;
TITLE '1b';
SCATTER Y = number X = date / group = route;
LOESS Y = number X = date / group = route lineattrs=(color = black);
PROC SGPLOT data = avg;
TITLE '1c';
SCATTER Y = number X = date / group = day;
Replot 1a where the colors of the points are the name of the route (with banner –> blue). Note: you will need to make a data attribute map.
Plot a scatterplot of average ridership by date with one panel per route.
Plot a scatterplpot of average ridership by date with separate panels by day of the week, colored by route.
Plot a scatterplot of average ridership (avg) by date, colored by route (same as 1a). (do not take an average, use the average column for each route). Make the x-label “Year”. Make the y-label “Number of People”.
Plot average ridership on the orange route versus date as a solid line, and add dashed “error” lines based on the boardings and alightings. The line colors should be orange.
DATA orange;
SET long;
WHERE route = "orange";
DATA line_map;
INPUT id $2. +1 VALUE $10. +1 linepattern $5.;
lp Alightings dash
lp Average solid
lp Boardings dash
PROC SGPLOT data = orange dattrmap = line_map;
TITLE '6';
SERIES Y = number X = date / group = type attrid = lp lineattrs=(color = orange);
17.12. Statistical Analysis in SAS¶
FILENAME cardata '/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/kaggleCarAuction.csv';
PROC IMPORT datafile = cardata out = cars dbms = CSV replace;
getnames = yes;
guessingrows = 1000;
FILENAME mortdat '/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/indicatordeadkids35.csv';
PROC IMPORT datafile = mortdat out = mort dbms = CSV replace;
getnames = yes;
guessingrows = 500;
Compute the correlation between the
, and2010
mortality data. Just display the result to the screen. Then compute using the NOMMISS option. (Note: The column names are numbers, which are invalid standard SAS names, so to refer to the variable 1980 in your code use ‘1980’n.)
The CORR Procedure
4 Variables: | 1980 1990 2000 2010 |
Simple Statistics | ||||||
Variable | N | Mean | Std Dev | Sum | Minimum | Maximum |
1980 | 197 | 0.94731 | 0.88694 | 186.62013 | 0.07049 | 3.49035 |
1990 | 197 | 0.70911 | 0.77929 | 139.69428 | 0.04922 | 3.28983 |
2000 | 197 | 0.55004 | 0.68922 | 108.35786 | 0.03232 | 2.81186 |
2010 | 193 | 0.39601 | 0.50021 | 76.42946 | 0.03173 | 2.02857 |
Pearson Correlation Coefficients Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 Number of Observations |
1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2010 |
The CORR Procedure
4 Variables: | 1980 1990 2000 2010 |
Simple Statistics | ||||||
Variable | N | Mean | Std Dev | Sum | Minimum | Maximum |
1980 | 193 | 0.96250 | 0.88966 | 185.76175 | 0.07049 | 3.49035 |
1990 | 193 | 0.72132 | 0.78263 | 139.21550 | 0.05512 | 3.28983 |
2000 | 193 | 0.55976 | 0.69297 | 108.03459 | 0.03271 | 2.81186 |
2010 | 193 | 0.39601 | 0.50021 | 76.42946 | 0.03173 | 2.02857 |
Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 193 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 |
1980 | 1990 | 2000 | 2010 | |
1980 |
1990 |
2000 |
2010 |
a. Compute the correlation between the
, andUnited States
mortality data. Store this correlation matrix in an object calledcountry_cor
using ODS OUTPUT. b. Extract the Myanmar-US correlation from the correlation matrix.
DATA mort_sub;
SET mort(RENAME=(Var1 = Country));
WHERE country in ('Myanmar' 'China' 'United States');
PROC TRANSPOSE data = mort_sub out = mort_sub_transposed;
VAR '1760'n -- '2099'n;
ID country;
PROC TRANSPOSE data = mort_sub out = mort_sub_transposed;
VAR _1760 -- _2099;
ID country;
PROC CORR DATA = mort_sub_transposed;
VAR China Myanmar 'United States'n;
ODS OUTPUT PearsonCorr = country_cor;
PROC CORR DATA = mort_sub_transposed;
VAR China Myanmar United_States;
ODS OUTPUT PearsonCorr = country_cor;
PROC PRINT data = country_cor;
Var Myanmar;
WHERE Variable = 'United States';
PROC PRINT data = country_cor;
Var Myanmar;
WHERE Variable = 'United_States';
The CORR Procedure
3 Variables: | China Myanmar United States |
Simple Statistics | ||||||
Variable | N | Mean | Std Dev | Sum | Minimum | Maximum |
China | 214 | 2.37608 | 1.15555 | 508.48153 | 0.04325 | 3.61453 |
Myanmar | 214 | 2.82215 | 1.12767 | 603.94031 | 0.05150 | 3.76418 |
United States | 214 | 1.36080 | 1.14407 | 291.21132 | 0.02867 | 3.17018 |
Pearson Correlation Coefficients, N = 214 Prob > |r| under H0: Rho=0 |
China | Myanmar | United States | |
China |
Myanmar |
United States |
Obs | Myanmar |
3 | 0.62926 |
Is there a difference between mortality information from
? Run a paired t-test and a Wilcoxon signed rank test to assess this. Hint: to extract the column of information for1990
, use ‘1990’n.
The TTEST Procedure
Difference: 1990 - 2000
N | Mean | Std Dev | Std Err | Minimum | Maximum |
197 | 0.1591 | 0.2227 | 0.0159 | -0.5456 | 0.8726 |
Mean | 95% CL Mean | Std Dev | 95% CL Std Dev | ||
0.1591 | 0.1278 | 0.1904 | 0.2227 | 0.2027 | 0.2472 |
DF | t Value | Pr > |t| |
196 | 10.03 | <.0001 |
The UNIVARIATE Procedure
Variable: diff
Moments | |||
N | 197 | Sum Weights | 197 |
Mean | -0.1590681 | Sum Observations | -31.336415 |
Std Deviation | 0.22269839 | Variance | 0.04959457 |
Skewness | -0.9205453 | Kurtosis | 2.01791651 |
Uncorrected SS | 14.7051599 | Corrected SS | 9.72053615 |
Coeff Variation | -140.00192 | Std Error Mean | 0.0158666 |
Basic Statistical Measures | |||
Location | Variability | ||
Mean | -0.15907 | Std Deviation | 0.22270 |
Median | -0.09007 | Variance | 0.04959 |
Mode | . | Range | 1.41823 |
Interquartile Range | 0.21805 |
Tests for Location: Mu0=0 | ||||
Test | Statistic | p Value | ||
Student's t | t | -10.0253 | Pr > |t| | <.0001 |
Sign | M | -84.5 | Pr >= |M| | <.0001 |
Signed Rank | S | -8245.5 | Pr >= |S| | <.0001 |
Quantiles (Definition 5) | |
Level | Quantile |
100% Max | 0.5456100 |
99% | 0.3990751 |
95% | 0.0830986 |
90% | -0.0104786 |
75% Q3 | -0.0286619 |
50% Median | -0.0900725 |
25% Q1 | -0.2467130 |
10% | -0.4798594 |
5% | -0.6188205 |
1% | -0.8710244 |
0% Min | -0.8726242 |
Extreme Observations | |||
Lowest | Highest | ||
Value | Obs | Value | Obs |
-0.872624 | 19 | 0.272621 | 32 |
-0.871024 | 131 | 0.321500 | 196 |
-0.808735 | 96 | 0.329956 | 22 |
-0.804626 | 54 | 0.399075 | 99 |
-0.794268 | 106 | 0.545610 | 197 |
Using the cars dataset, fit a linear regression model with vehicle cost (
) as the outcome and vehicle age (VehicleAge
) and whether it’s an online sale (IsOnlineSale
) as predictors as well as their interaction.
The GLM Procedure
Number of Observations Read | 72983 |
Number of Observations Used | 72983 |
The GLM Procedure
Dependent Variable: VehBCost
Source | DF | Sum of Squares | Mean Square | F Value | Pr > F |
Model | 3 | 22422071293 | 7474023764.4 | 2652.08 | <.0001 |
Error | 72979 | 205667188003 | 2818169.4461 | ||
Corrected Total | 72982 | 228089259296 |
R-Square | Coeff Var | Root MSE | VehBCost Mean |
0.098304 | 24.94067 | 1678.740 | 6730.934 |
Source | DF | Type I SS | Mean Square | F Value | Pr > F |
VehicleAge | 1 | 22249980049 | 22249980049 | 7895.19 | <.0001 |
IsOnlineSale | 1 | 158865621 | 158865621 | 56.37 | <.0001 |
VehicleAg*IsOnlineSa | 1 | 13225623 | 13225623 | 4.69 | 0.0303 |
Source | DF | Type III SS | Mean Square | F Value | Pr > F |
VehicleAge | 1 | 21533779839 | 21533779839 | 7641.05 | <.0001 |
IsOnlineSale | 1 | 64252535 | 64252535 | 22.80 | <.0001 |
VehicleAg*IsOnlineSa | 1 | 13225623 | 13225623 | 4.69 | 0.0303 |
Parameter | Estimate | Standard Error |
t Value | Pr > |t| |
Intercept | 8062.701999 | 16.5870226 | 486.08 | <.0001 |
VehicleAge | -320.662108 | 3.6683525 | -87.41 | <.0001 |
IsOnlineSale | 514.308268 | 107.7114631 | 4.77 | <.0001 |
VehicleAg*IsOnlineSa | -55.372926 | 25.5607123 | -2.17 | 0.0303 |
Create a variable called
in thecars
data that indicates if the vehicle cost is over$10,000
. Use a chi-squared test to assess if there is a relationship between a car being expensive and it being labeled as a “bad buy” (IsBadBuy
The FREQ Procedure
Statistics for Table of expensive by IsBadBuy
Statistic | DF | Value | Prob |
Chi-Square | 1 | 1.8948 | 0.1687 |
Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square | 1 | 1.9314 | 0.1646 |
Continuity Adj. Chi-Square | 1 | 1.8152 | 0.1779 |
Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square | 1 | 1.8948 | 0.1687 |
Phi Coefficient | -0.0051 | ||
Contingency Coefficient | 0.0051 | ||
Cramer's V | -0.0051 |
Fisher's Exact Test | |
Cell (1,1) Frequency (F) | 61505 |
Left-sided Pr <= F | 0.0880 |
Right-sided Pr >= F | 0.9211 |
Table Probability (P) | 0.0091 |
Two-sided Pr <= P | 0.1790 |
Sample Size = 72983
Fit a logistic regression model where the outcome is “bad buy” status and predictors are the
status and vehicle age (VehicleAge
). Request confidence intervals for the odds ratios.
The LOGISTIC Procedure
Model Information | |
Data Set | WORK.CARS |
Response Variable | IsBadBuy |
Number of Response Levels | 2 |
Model | binary logit |
Optimization Technique | Fisher's scoring |
Number of Observations Read | 72983 |
Number of Observations Used | 72983 |
Response Profile | ||
Ordered Value |
IsBadBuy | Total Frequency |
1 | 0 | 64007 |
2 | 1 | 8976 |
Probability modeled is IsBadBuy='1'.
Model Convergence Status |
Convergence criterion (GCONV=1E-8) satisfied. |
Model Fit Statistics | ||
Criterion | Intercept Only | Intercept and Covariates |
AIC | 54423.307 | 52447.788 |
SC | 54432.505 | 52475.381 |
-2 Log L | 54421.307 | 52441.788 |
Testing Global Null Hypothesis: BETA=0 | |||
Test | Chi-Square | DF | Pr > ChiSq |
Likelihood Ratio | 1979.5198 | 2 | <.0001 |
Score | 2042.5760 | 2 | <.0001 |
Wald | 1961.8662 | 2 | <.0001 |
Analysis of Maximum Likelihood Estimates | |||||
Parameter | DF | Estimate | Standard Error |
Wald Chi-Square |
Pr > ChiSq |
Intercept | 1 | -3.2495 | 0.0332 | 9554.1782 | <.0001 |
expensive | 1 | -0.0804 | 0.0607 | 1.7542 | 0.1853 |
VehicleAge | 1 | 0.2866 | 0.00648 | 1958.7086 | <.0001 |
Association of Predicted Probabilities and Observed Responses | |||
Percent Concordant | 56.9 | Somers' D | 0.279 |
Percent Discordant | 29.1 | Gamma | 0.324 |
Percent Tied | 14.0 | Tau-a | 0.060 |
Pairs | 574526832 | c | 0.639 |
Odds Ratio Estimates and Wald Confidence Intervals | ||||
Effect | Unit | Estimate | 95% Confidence Limits | |
expensive | 1.0000 | 0.923 | 0.819 | 1.039 |
VehicleAge | 1.0000 | 1.332 | 1.315 | 1.349 |
17.13. Macros¶
Write a macro that discretizes a quantitative variable into four categories based on quantiles. That is:
if X < Q1 then group = 1
if Q1 < X < M then group = 2
if M < X < Q3 then group = 3
if Q3 < X then group = 4
The macro should have the following defnition - %quartilesmacro(mydata, qvar, round, out);
mydata: dataset containing the quantitative variable
qvar: name of quantitative variable
round: integer representing number of decimal places to round to
out: name of output dataset which contains the categorized variable
We will explore this by using the Framingham dataset as an example to apply the macro to.
LIBNAME phc6089 "/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/";
*Create a temporary data set, so that we don't save changes to the original data set.;
DATA fghmTemp;
SET phc6089.fghm113;
/*Now let's code some variables with some more descriptive values.
SEX (Gender): 1=Men
Period (Examination cycle): 1=Period1
BPMEDS (Use of anti-hypertensive meds): 0=Not currently
1=Currently use
CURSMOKE (Currently smoke?): 0=No
DIABETES: 0=Not diabetic
PREVAP (Have angina pectoric?): 0=No
PREVCHD (Coronary heart disease?): 0=No
PREVMI (Myocardial infarction?): 0=No
PREVSTRK (Had a stroke?): 0=No
PREVHYP (Hypertensive? sys bp >=140 or dyas bp >= 90): 0=no
VALUE YNfmt 0="No"
VALUE perfmt 1="Period 1"
2="Period 2"
3="Period 3";
VALUE gndrfmt 1="Men"
DATA fghmtemp;
SET fghmtemp;
FORMAT prevap ynfmt.
diabetes ynfmt.
cursmoke ynfmt.
bpmeds ynfmt.
prevchd ynfmt.
prevmi ynfmt.
prevstrk ynfmt.
prevhyp ynfmt.
sex gndrfmt.;
5880 ods listing close;ods html5 (id=saspy_internal) file=stdout options(bitmap_mode='inline') device=svg style=HTMLBlue; ods
5880! graphics on / outputfmt=png;
5882 LIBNAME phc6089 "/folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data/";
NOTE: Libref PHC6089 was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: /folders/myfolders/SAS_Notes/data
5884 *Create a temporary data set, so that we don't save changes to the original data set.;
5885 DATA fghmTemp;
NOTE: Data file PHC6089.FGHM113.DATA is in a format that is native to another host, or the file encoding does not match the session
encoding. Cross Environment Data Access will be used, which might require additional CPU resources and might reduce
5886 SET phc6089.fghm113;
5887 RUN;
NOTE: There were 500 observations read from the data set PHC6089.FGHM113.
NOTE: The data set WORK.FGHMTEMP has 500 observations and 21 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
5889 /*Now let's code some variables with some more descriptive values.
5890 SEX (Gender): 1=Men
5891 2=Women
5892 Period (Examination cycle): 1=Period1
5893 2=Period2
5894 3=Period3
5895 BPMEDS (Use of anti-hypertensive meds): 0=Not currently
5896 1=Currently use
5897 CURSMOKE (Currently smoke?): 0=No
5898 1=Yes
5899 DIABETES: 0=Not diabetic
5900 1=Diabetic
5901 PREVAP (Have angina pectoric?): 0=No
5902 1=Yes
5903 PREVCHD (Coronary heart disease?): 0=No
5904 1=Yes
5905 PREVMI (Myocardial infarction?): 0=No
5906 1=Yes
5907 PREVSTRK (Had a stroke?): 0=No
5908 1=Yes
5909 PREVHYP (Hypertensive? sys bp >=140 or dyas bp >= 90): 0=no
5910 1=yes
5911 */
5914 VALUE YNfmt 0="No"
NOTE: Format YNFMT has been output.
5915 1="Yes";
5916 VALUE perfmt 1="Period 1"
5917 2="Period 2"
NOTE: Format PERFMT has been output.
5918 3="Period 3";
5919 VALUE gndrfmt 1="Men"
NOTE: Format GNDRFMT has been output.
5920 2="Women";
5921 RUN;
NOTE: PROCEDURE FORMAT used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
5923 DATA fghmtemp;
5924 SET fghmtemp;
5925 FORMAT prevap ynfmt.
5926 diabetes ynfmt.
5927 cursmoke ynfmt.
5928 bpmeds ynfmt.
5929 prevchd ynfmt.
5930 prevmi ynfmt.
5931 prevstrk ynfmt.
5932 prevhyp ynfmt.
5933 sex gndrfmt.;
5934 RUN;
NOTE: There were 500 observations read from the data set WORK.FGHMTEMP.
NOTE: The data set WORK.FGHMTEMP has 500 observations and 21 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
5936 ods html5 (id=saspy_internal) close;ods listing;
* Step 1 - write code with only macros variables - Let's categorize BMI by quartiles;
%let qvar = bmi;
* Find table name;
ODS trace on;
proc means data = fghmtemp Q1 Median Q3;
var &qvar;
ODS trace off;
proc means data = fghmtemp Q1 Median Q3;
var &qvar;
ODS OUTPUT summary = quartiles;
* See the contents of the ODS table;
proc print data = quartiles;
data _null_;
set quartiles;
call symput("Q1", strip(&qvar._Q1));
call symput("M", strip(&qvar._Median));
call symput("Q3", strip(&qvar._Q3));
%put _user_; * see the value of our macro variables in the log file;
data fghmtemp;
set fghmtemp;
if not missing(&qvar) and &qvar < &Q1 then &qvar._cat = 1;
else if &qvar < &M then &qvar._cat = 2;
else if &qvar < &Q3 then &qvar._cat = 3;
else &qvar._cat = 4;
proc freq data = fghmtemp;
tables &qvar._cat;
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : BMI Body Mass Index (kr/(M*M) | ||
Lower Quartile | Median | Upper Quartile |
23.1000000 | 25.2800000 | 27.6300000 |
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : BMI Body Mass Index (kr/(M*M) | ||
Lower Quartile | Median | Upper Quartile |
23.1000000 | 25.2800000 | 27.6300000 |
Obs | BMI_Q1 | BMI_Median | BMI_Q3 |
1 | 23.1 | 25.28 | 27.63 |
The FREQ Procedure
bmi_cat | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
1 | 120 | 24.00 | 120 | 24.00 |
2 | 130 | 26.00 | 250 | 50.00 |
3 | 125 | 25.00 | 375 | 75.00 |
4 | 125 | 25.00 | 500 | 100.00 |
Now that we have the basic code working, let’s turn this into a MACRO.
%macro quartilesmacro(mydata, qvar, round, out = out_dat);
ODS select none;
proc means data = &mydata Q1 Median Q3 maxdec = &round;
var &qvar;
ODS OUTPUT summary = quartiles;
ods select all;
data _null_;
set quartiles;
call symput("Q1", strip(&qvar._Q1));
call symput("M", strip(&qvar._Median));
call symput("Q3", strip(&qvar._Q3));
data &out;
set &mydata;
if not missing(&qvar) and &qvar < &Q1 then &qvar._cat = 1;
else if &qvar < &M then &qvar._cat = 2;
else if &qvar < &Q3 then &qvar._cat = 3;
else &qvar._cat = 4;
%quartilesmacro(fghmtemp, bmi, round = 2, out = out_bmi);
proc freq data = out_bmi;
tables bmi_cat;
The FREQ Procedure
bmi_cat | Frequency | Percent | Cumulative Frequency |
Cumulative Percent |
1 | 120 | 24.00 | 120 | 24.00 |
2 | 130 | 26.00 | 250 | 50.00 |
3 | 125 | 25.00 | 375 | 75.00 |
4 | 125 | 25.00 | 500 | 100.00 |
17.14. Simulations¶
In this example, we will explore the sampling distribution of a sample proportion. a) Generate 500 sample of size 50 from a Binomial distribution with n = 1 and p = 0.3. Do this by generating a dataset with 500 rows and 50 columns all filled with random variates from this binomial distribution. Hint: Use an array and a nested DO loop. b) Calculate the mean of each of these 500 rows using mean(of ) in a DATA step. Save this mean as a new column. c) Plot a histogram of the 500 means calculated in part b and use PROC MEANS to calculate the MEAN and standard deviation of the 500 means calculated in part b. This describes the sampling distribution of p-hat when the population distiribution has probability of success p = 0.3 when the sample size is 30.
The MEANS Procedure
Analysis Variable : p_hat | |
Mean | Std Dev |
0.2980400 | 0.0635376 |