CLP 7934 -- Cognitive Bases of Behavior
Fall 2008
Russell M. Bauer, Ph.D.
Thursdays, 1pm - 4pm, G301A HPNP


This is a proseminar in cognitive psychology, designed to familiarize the student with the current body of knowledge, basic issues and recent advances in the field.  Because it is offered as part of the clinical psychology core curriculum, we will discuss links between clinical phenomena (e.g., biased thinking in psychopathology, memory disturbance, acquired cognitive disturbances, emotion-cognition interface) and theory and research in cognitive science.

     For the Fall 2008 syllabus and class schedule, click here.

     For 2008 debate assignments, click here.

For Study Questions I, click here.

For Study Questions II, click here.

For Study Questions III, click here.

      For access to lecture notes, slides, and assigned articles, click on the appropriate topic/link below.  I will be adding links as the lectures proceed, and will have them posted by 8am on the day of class.  Please note that these lectures are for class use only.  Since they include copyrighted material, users are asked not to copy or download files other than for their own personal eduational use.

Lecture 1:  Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
               Slide originals (Powerpoint presentation)
               Slide outlines (requires Acrobat reader; graphics won't be included)

Assigned Reading: Posner & Rothbart (2007)

Lecture 2:  Visual Cognition
               Slide originals (recommended for this lecture)
               Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Peissig & Tarr (2007)

Lecture 3:  Attention, Effort, and Resource Allocation
               Slide originals
               Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Umilta (2001)

Lecture 4:  Memory I:  Basic Findings
               Slide originals
               Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Baddeley (2000) Brown & Craik (2000)

Lecture 5/6:  Memory II:  Multiple Forms of Memory; New Directions in Cognitive Science and Neuroscience
               Slide originals
               Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Parkin, 2001 Keane & Verfaellie, 2006; Ryan & Cohen (2003); Dodson/Schacter, 2001 Cabeza & St. Jaques (2007); Johnson (2006); Moskovitch et al. (2006)


Lecture 7:  Representation and Categorization
               Slide originals
              Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Goldstone & Kersten (2003)

Lecture 8:  Language I:  Language Perception and Comprehension
             Slide originals
             Slide outlines

Lecture 9: Language II: Language Production/Language Disorders

                    Slide originals

                    Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Saffran (2003) Rapp et al (2001) Shelton/Caramazza (2001) Farah/Grossman (2003)

Lecture 11:  Problem-Solving and Reasoning
               Slide originals
               Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Kimball & Holyoak (2000) Leighton & Sternberg (2003)

Lecture 12:  Cognition and Emotion I:  Basic Findings
                Slide originals
                Slide outlines

Assigned Reading: Eysenck & Keane, 4th Ed., Chapter 18

Lecture 13:  Cognition and Emotion II:  New Developments in Neuropsychology and Cognitive
                Slide originals
                Slide outlines

Assigned Readings: Storbeck & Clore (2007), Ochsner (2008), Phelps & LeDoux (2005), Cacioppo & Gardner (1999)