The multiple linear regression model is a very powerful model that often performs well with real data, especially when we have more observations than predictors. When using the linear regression model to answer a research question, there are four basic steps:

  1. Formulate a multiple regression model
  2. Determine how the model helps answer the research question
  3. Checking the model assumptions
  4. Performing a hypothesis test or calculating a confidence interval to answer the question

The mutltiple regression model with \(p\) predictors is


where the \(\varepsilon_i\) are independent and have a normal distribution with mean 0 and contstant variance. The assumptions for this model are summarized LINE

We can use a plot of residuals vs predicted to check the L and E assumptions and a histogram and QQ plot of the residuals to check the N assumption. The independence assumption requires careful consideration of how the data was sampled.

Some general questions that we can answer with the linear regression model are:

  1. Is there a (linear) relationship between the response and any of the predictors?
    • Use the ANOVA F-test
  2. How strong is the relationship between the response and the predictors?
    • \(R^2\) provides a measure of the strength of the linear relationship.
  3. Which individual predictors are useful in predicting the response?
    • Use the t-test for the individual slope parameters or the general linear F-test to test a subset of the slopes parameters.
  4. What is the effect of each of the predictors on the response?
    • Interpret the confidence interval for the slope parameters
  5. What is the value of the response for particular values of the predictors
    • Use a confidence interval for the mean if you are interested in the average response
    • Use a prediction interval if you are want to know the response for an individual
  6. Does the effect of a predictor on the response depend on the value of another predictor?
    • Think about interactions.